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Starting SAP Companion for desktop from Another Server

0 Kudos

Hi all,

I'm trying to understand benefits of Starting SAP Companion for desktop from Another Server.

I found this topic ;

but I still have  questions.


  1. SEN Cloud Edition
  2. Apache TomCat


  1. I publish SAP Companion as Standard in Producer.
  2. Create *.xdnt file and add it to the SAP Companion
  3. Publish it again with *.xdnt
  4. Upload Published folder to my  web server (Apache)
  5. Create a startling with *.xdnt file
  6. Provide this link to the end users


  1. End users click start link
  2. SAP Companion for desktop will be started
  3. SAP Companion for desktop will be send requests and get responses to my web server


Should it work such way?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


No, the approach that you mention below is only necessary if you want to deploy the SAP Companion for Desktop content from another web server, not Enable Now Manager.  I suspect that the vast majority of customers using this capability will deploy the content from Enable Now Manager, not an external Tomcat server.

If you don't have a specific reason for deploying the Enable Now content from Manager, you should:

1. Publish the SAP Companion for Desktop content in Producer and synchronize the details to Manager
2. In Manager, click the down arrow beside All Content (top, right corner) and select Published.  This will display the Published version of your content.  Your SAP Companion content must be published
3. Click on your SAP Companion for Desktop folder
4. Click the SAP Companion link (top, right corner).  This will download a file called navigator.senl

The navigator.senl file must be deployed to end user machines and started.  When it is opened on an end user machine, the content of the file is passed to the Enable Now Launcher application, which must also be installed on every end user machine, and the Launcher uses the configuration in the navigator.senl to open SAP Companion for Desktop and point it to the content in Manager.

There are details in the Desktop Components Installation Guide that is available from the Enable Now site on that describe the process of deploying SAP Companion for Desktop from Manager.


0 Kudos

Hi Shane, thank a lot for the comment. To start Companion from another server exactly what I need. I tried but failed. I have couple of questions, could you help me please. For example I'm going to start Companion from http://localhost:8080/ what I should type into the field SAP Companion prefix when I publish inn Producer (I attached screen to the main post)?  Is it mandatory field? And the second question, for example I've done everything and provided endusers with a start link. When end user clicks this link navigator.senl should be downloaded from my web server?