My dear Time Management Community!It is kind of tradition since years that you get from me as part of the Successfactors Time Management Product management Team an overview on new delivered features. This comes for better comprehension with some busi...
Team and community,as usual in spring – some words on the new features in 1H SAP Successfactors Time Management.Prepare yourself, cause this time it is going to be a HUGE release. Big mountains have been moved, big things achieved. This is for sure t...
Hello Time Management friends and fellows,
at times when the new release is about to be shipped to production instances you get as usual a few words from me on the wonderful and fancy new features of the SAP Successfactors Time Management solution. ...
Not a question, but an answer to many questions.
If you want to have an overview of new features of SF Time Management in 1H 2023 release + business background + configuration details, then check out my blog post:
New features in SF Time Manageme...
Time Community !
I am Volker Ruof from SF Time Product Management. As usual it is a pleasure presenting our SF Time Management enhancements in May 2023 Release with some business and configuration context.
There are again lots of good new features ...
Hi,yes this is possible with a normal business / save rule on the time sheet. I think you need the cardinality function, but anyway, it is possible.You can´t do it with time valuation cause allowances are not processed via time valuation, but with th...
@Aratrika_Bardhan: I don´t have a document. It is not rocket science, just try it out in the system. The effective date entry is a date that falls into a time sheet period - and for this time sheet you can then set a date before which a retroactive c...
@Aratrika_Bardhan: you can use the time recording admissibility object. You can either use the "old" function to define the admissibiilty periods in weeks, or you can fill a table in the newer "retroactiv change restriction" section where you can ent...
Hello Brandon,yes, this is correct for the time being. However, the team works already on allowing different monthly time sheets than based on the calendar month. Your customers use case would be able to be covered. So, watch the release rollout sess...
Hello MMILLER1112,yes this is possibly. You can use time record filters to generate a public holiday premium for example only for the time slot 00:00 - 12:00pm. Or you can even generate a Sunday premium in a time period from Sunday 00:00 till Monday ...