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Status code: 500 - Internal Server Error

0 Kudos

Hi All,

When trying to edit Adaptable Resources our Admins face the following error:

Status code: 500 - Internal Server Error
URL: /wa/projectname/adaptable/book_flat/.fetch

{[...] "Error while inserting entity attributes","status":50}

What do we do with that? If place a ticket with SAP, how to do it?

Note: No changes were made by admins before that error.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Kit_Kat,

I suspect that the issue is that you are trying to modify an Adaptable Resource, a Book Style, in an Extended WA and the object that you are trying to modify has not yet been fetched.  If the object still has an orange dot next to it in Manager, click on the object and click the Fetch button in the top, right corner.  If this action throws the same error, I suspect that there is an issue with your Manager connecting to the Workarea on the SAP content server where the source of the object that you are trying to modify is housed. 

If you get the error again, have a network person in your IT monitor what happens when you try to fetch the object.  Perhaps they can work out what is blocking the communication between Manager and the SAP content server.

Finally, if you cannot work it out, raise a support ticket using Component ID KM-SEN-MGR has Enable Now support take a look.



0 Kudos
Thank you, Shane! We will try fetching, if it does not work - reach out to support. I appreciate you added the component information as I am placing such ticket for the first time 🙂

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