Troubleshooting Associations
Association helps us to link different foundation objects or MDF foundation objects.Sometimes we may face following issues due to incomplete/ incorrect association configuration.
Frequently Reported Association Issues
- Associated job information field is not displaying any value
- Job info field is not filtering values based on association
- Association not working
- Application error on clicking job information fields
We will have to add
field criteria within the child field(field which is being filtered based on data selection on other field) in job information portlet to complete the association configuration. Not maintaining proper field criteria will result in above issues.
At times its bit difficult to identify what went wrong or which foundation objects are associated to a field etc.I have seen many partner's reporting this issue especially during implementation period.Anyone who implements employee central may face this issue at least once.
This blog will help you to quickly identify the associated objects of any job information field and helps you in troubleshooting association issues.
Troubleshooting steps
No specific tool is required. Below troubleshooting is done in Chrome.
- Navigate to employment information page of the user--->go to job information portlet
- Press F12 in your keyboard--->A new screen appears
- Click the Network button(highlighted below)
- Clear the entries in new screen using the highlighted button in below screenshot
5.Click the job information field(department in below screenshot) where you are facing association issue.
6,Network section starts loading once you click the job info field. Click the line starting with
customFieldAsGOAutoComplete(check below)
7.Scroll down to Request Payload section
7.Scroll down to the first line where you will see the keyword
reference.Below screenshot displays two references for department object
- jobInfo-division:reference:c0-e17
- jobInfo-company:reference:c0-e18
This means department is associated to division and company
8.Now you will have to maintain proper field criteria within the department field in succession data model(or BCUI).Details of how to maintain field criteria is explained in the implementation handbook
Check my blog to know about association configuration
Do comment here if you need more information or help on associations.