Member since ‎2021 Jan 19

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I have the following script in ISQL: CREATE TABLE Temp (Col1 VARCHAR(10), Col2 VARCHAR(10)); INSERT INTO Temp VALUES('AAA', 'BBB'); BEGIN DECLARE r_Temp Temp%ROWTYPE; DECLARE v_Dummy VARCHAR(10); SELECT MAX(Col1) INTO r_Temp.Col1 FROM Temp; ...
We have a problem with one specific procedure which often gets invalidated for unknown reasons. If the procedure is called from ISQL the message reported is "Procedure 'xxxx' is no longer valid". When this status is reported, we usually call "ALTER P...
I discovered that Windows Performance Monitor offers counters like "User Defined Rate: Counter1" for an SQL Anywhere 17 Database, and found sa_user_defined_counter_add. So I hoped to use the procedure to be able to track some db application events i...
This relates to We have an installation using an ODATA server on SQL Anywhere Network Server Version The installation ...
We have an installation using an ODATA server on SQL Anywhere Network Server Version The installation work fine up to a certain request rate, after which the response time deteriorates rapidly. We are now trying to find the bottleneck. ...