Just for clarity, as noted in the article Volker linked to (https://sqlanywhere-forum.sap.com/questions/25998), the dbvss service isn't absolutely required to get valid backups using VSS but it is better. Backups made using VSS while the dbvss servic...
Did you or your customer connect via TDS? If so, I believe '' is considered equivalent to NULL and comparing anything against NULL would be false (actually 'unknown')?
To get all listeners when you have multiple dbs, you might try something like the following
select * from dbo.sa_db_list( NULL ) cross apply dbo.sp_http_listeners( Number )
For sure! It's a great idea. I'm just saying I'm perplexed that property( 'HttpAddresses' ) returned nothing -- even more so now that I see a result being returned from sp_http_listeners.
By my reading of the code, ports are "associated" with a database if the DBN= parameter is provided in the -xs http(....DBN=...).
I don't see any way that a listener wouldn't be listed via property('HttpAddresses').