SA / Win64 + mirroring.
An attempt to delete foreign key fails with the following message:
[Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]User 'fk_dividend_received_store' has the row in '???' locked
SQL Statement: ALT...
SA / Win64 + mirroring.
Recently I've noticed some strange connections than hang around on server and cannot be dropped: an attempt to disconnect them using DROP CONNECTION statement yields 'User "DBA" dropped connection xxx' message on ...
Recently, I've tried to update a custom backup program written in Borland C++ Builder from dbtools 9 to dbtools 10, and I've started getting strange error messages. After some investigation using MSVC I discovered that size of chkpt_log_type member i...
SA / Win64 + mirroring running on Windows 2003 Server.
When trying to create a foreign key, I get the following error message:
User 'another user' has the row in 'mytable' locked
I know it may happen due to the running out of locks. Ho...
ALTER PROCEDURE "DBA"."SelectWithColumnsOrdered"(in @table_name char(100))
declare @sql long varchar ;
select list(cname, ', ' order by cname)
into @sql
from sys.syscolumns
where tname = @table_name ;
set @sql = 'select ' || ...
Promoting your server to the DC will turn disk write caching off. Unless you turn it back on, performance of your SA server will be abysmal. There are no other issues.