Member since ‎2013 Aug 31

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  • 201 Posts
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SAP SQL Anywhere Forum will be shut down ,Can I still find relevant historical data here? Or will historical data be migrated to sap?
mssql sql: set statistics time on; -- Paging query (general type) select * from student order by sno offset ((@pageIndex-1)*@pageSize) rows fetch next @pageSize rows only; -- Pagination query page 2, each page has 10 records select * from student o...
When the updated value contains a comma, the trigger inserts the original column value, ** CREATE TABLE "DBA"."test_split" ( "UUID" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT AUTOINCREMENT, "goods" VARCHAR(90) NULL, "price" DECIMAL(111,3) NULL, "OLD_uu...
CREATE TABLE "DBA"."time_type" ( "type_id" VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, "description" VARCHAR(60) NULL, "create_time" TIMESTAMP NULL, "edit_time" TIMESTAMP NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( "type_id" ASC ) ) IN "system"; CREATE TRIGGER "tr_time_t...
CREATE TABLE "DBA"."z_202210_3value" ( "value" VARCHAR(222) NULL, "jieguo_value" VARCHAR(33) NULL, "ID" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT AUTOINCREMENT ) IN "system"; CREATE TABLE "DBA"."z_202210_4_chajie" ( "value" VARCHAR(30) NULL, "yuanzhi_...