Hi Team -
I have some basic queries on the decouple point algorithm for which the results are not coming as expected. Please clarify -
I observed that there is no DECOUPLE POINT determined for some product's supply chain, I believe the system sho...
Hi - I have been running the DDMRP operator to calculate the buffer levels - RED, YELLOW and GREEN. But I see only YELLOW and GREEN getting generated - I am not sure why I don't see any RED buffer levels. Is there any specific MD maintenance that I n...
Hi Team -
I have tried to read the version data of the data loaded in a planning book usng the below macro logic but it doesn't seem to work, and the same in test macro book always works as per the active version (000). I am not sure where what is ...
Hi Team -
We asked our Basis team to activate the business function SCM_APO_CTM_SUPPLY_CONS, somehow, while actioning that - the type of the business function is changed to industry business function and they are not able to change it back to enter...
Hi Argha -IO is used to calculate the inventory target at each node of your supply chain (depends on the input for the IO algo though), while DDMRP identifies decouple points in your supply chain and creates buffer levels only at those points. You mi...
Sorry Rajesh for not providing more details in my question, but I did all run all the three operators in fact. I am getting yellow and green zone but not red zone. Is there any master data (like we maintain for safety stock) needs to be maintained fo...
Hi Vincent -This MD type is identified as SIMPLE, and not COMPOUND, hene was my question as to why this is not considered as COMPOUND but SIMPLE.Thanks,Regards, Guru