Member since ‎2011 Sep 05

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  • 204 Posts
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Hi Team - I have some basic queries on the decouple point algorithm for which the results are not coming as expected. Please clarify - I observed that there is no DECOUPLE POINT determined for some product's supply chain, I believe the system sho...
Hi - I have been running the DDMRP operator to calculate the buffer levels - RED, YELLOW and GREEN. But I see only YELLOW and GREEN getting generated - I am not sure why I don't see any RED buffer levels. Is there any specific MD maintenance that I n...
Hi Team - I have tried to read the version data of the data loaded in a planning book usng the below macro logic but it doesn't seem to work, and the same in test macro book always works as per the active version (000). I am not sure where what is ...
Can someone plesae help me understand why the MD type IBPSOURCEPRODUCTION is not compound but simple? Thanks, Regards, Guru
Hi Team - We asked our Basis team to activate the business function SCM_APO_CTM_SUPPLY_CONS, somehow, while actioning that - the type of the business function is changed to industry business function and they are not able to change it back to enter...