What could be the reason that a TS-Based Supply Optimizer (Profit Maximization Mode, Technical Weeks, Discretization of 20 weeks) finishes before Maximum Solving Runtime, with a Technical Gap (Average technical gap created by product decomposition > ...
BAdI enhancement for integrating subcontractor PDS: "Several subcontractors for a material are not supported currently. If the purchasing info records contain more than one entry, the first entry is used.''Source: IBP Integration Enhancements > IBP I...
Hi,The context here is to try and schedule an S4 job only upon successful completion of an IBP job. Is this possible within the "Processes" of IBP itself?Alternatively, is this possible from the standard S/4 HANA CLOUD or BW/4HANA Process Chains (RSP...
Processes that are recurring throughout time, how can we schedule those advance in time, when we already know the discrete days on which these should be scheduled for the next year ahead.In the app "Manage Recurring Processes", we can only choose wee...
Perhaps, in some of your own projects, your clients have expressed difficulties in interpreting the results of Forecast Consumption.In this world's first, I would like to share with you my custom solution for SAP IBP Forecast Consumption, using only ...
Hi @contovhal,No, as far as I am aware, this is currently impossible in "Planner Workspaces".Easiest would be to CTRL+C, CTRL+V it into MS Excel, and that will give you the Sum immediately.Kind regards,Vincent Verheyen
Hi Azza,If the below doesn't help, feel free to provide some further context on the environments. How are you trying to call exactly? Using a proxy server? Web dispatcher?One general remark/requirement is that end-users need to access the Service Pro...
Hi @mkorndoerfer Thank you for your quick reply.Is 10e-6 indeed the cut-off value for an optimal solution?Since this number is crucial, could you please elaborate on the notation?Are we talking about 10×10^(-6) here = 1x10^(-5) = 0.00001 ?In this cas...
Hi Smartcons,Clicking on the "Browse Input Log" (macro Select_Input_File) and "Browse Output Log" (macro Select_Output_File) buttons result in a VBA Run-time error '76' (Path not found) error.This issue does not occur for "Browse Mapping Log" (macro ...