Hello expertsI will appreciate your opinion and advice with an issue I'm having. I have checked for any previous (similar) questions and SAP website with no successI'm trying to make a copy of last year sales into a stored KF that I will be using for...
Hi gurus
I've been looking everywhere in the SAP website for the definition and documentation of a Reference Type Template for Jobs, but could not find the answer.
In version 2211 the options are Private or Shared (somewhere I saw Global!) now t...
Hi gurus
We are running IBP SOP.
In order to improve and better control the creation of planning objects and enforce a more rigorous master data control, I have been considering making some attributes mandatory (e.g. Customer Source Ratio). I wo...
Hi experts
I looked for roles, catalogs and I can't find the answer as to why I can only see the Forecast Model that I created and not all others created in the system.
These are all available in the same planning area. The BestFit Test is ident...
Hi Gurus
The Versions that I created and where I copied data (succesfully) from Baseline is/are not displaying in the Excel Planning View. I dont get any errors message when the merge/copy of data finished. The version status report indicates a sig...
Hi BerndWe use technical week as our we map our Fiscal Year in IBP and we need to differentiate it from a calendar week. There are two specific reasons: a.- The period is a fiscal period, it does not necessarily end on the end of the month but the wh...
Hi Daniel Thanks for your suggestions. I can get the results by using the copy operator from the Actuals Key Figure. All I had to do was use the Period Shift and it would be equivalent but easier than the Prior Year Key Figure. You might say, I have ...
Thank you BBRI. Here is the screenshot of the copy operatorIt uses Technical Week. After checking the Standard Copy Operators and the custom Copy Operator (built by the consultant) they all use Fiscal Week as well. I wouldnt expect having to change t...
Hi JennyI reckon this is an old post. I was wondering if you find an answer to your question. Certainly not in this post as no one repliedLook forward for comments