Hello everyone,
Due to a request, I need to print the current week, which week of the month, into a key figure.
I got around this by writing the code "week_in_month(sysutcdate())".
But the request is to write this as a technical week.
The dat...
In this article, I will tell you how to get information via e-mail when the tasks or processes created by SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services (CI-DS), which formerly known as HANA Cloud Integration (HCI), are terminated successfully or unsuccess...
Dear Amre,To calculate the Year-to-Date (YTD) Growth % Key Figure (KF) using the provided formula, you can define a new KF in IBP with the following formula:YTD Growth % = (Cumulative Consensus Demand - Cumulative Orders Invoiced) / Cumulative Orders...