on 2023 Feb 09 7:53 PM
Attempting to import a ".mtar" export of an SAP Build Apps project from the SAP Lobby results in an erro message "Same project already exists".
This happens because of current limitations in the export and import functions in the lobby for SAP Build Apps.
Avoid this issue by the "Export" and "Replace" feature within the SAP Build Apps project editor.
However, you can still import a file exported using the lobby function by following these steps:
But, here's a workaround.
1.) Extract the content of the .mtar file.
2.) Change the filename of the content.zip file to "content.zip.gpg"
3.) In the lobby create a new project.
4.) in the project editor, click the upper right-hand menu and select "Replace". Choose the file that you renamed in step 2and click "Replace".
5.) You should now see the imported project.
I am unable to import a project to my sap build apps.
I am facing the following errors while importing:
Best Regards,
Yashmin Behera