I'd be the first to admit that I'm a bit of a geek. During the winter holidays, I indulge in my passion for technology, using it as a means to learn and solve puzzles. One of my projects this year was constructing a Tic-Tac-Toe game using SAP Build A...
I took some time this week to work through the tutorial mission titled Create Sales Order Workflow with SAP Build. It was a great opportunity to see how SAP Build Apps and SAP Build Process Automation can work together.
The Mission
The mission is org...
The SAP Build Apps Preview app is now available in the Apple App Store and in Google Play for Android devices.@Dan_Wroblewskihas published an excellent video showing how to use the app
What happens on the second Tuesday of every month?The SAP Build Practitioners Forum!The SAP Build Practitioners Forum is a monthly web conference designed to help you succeed with SAP Build. During the sessions, practitioners can ask questions, share...
SymptomsAttempting to import a ".mtar" export of an SAP Build Apps project from the SAP Lobby results in an erro message "Same project already exists". DiagnosisThis happens because of current limitations in the export and import functions in the lob...
Using BTP destination is done using the ADD INTEGRATION button just above where you see "SAP Build Apps classic data entities". Using that will require your web app to use BTP Authentication. There is an issue now where BTP authentication does not ...
Are you using this API:https://api.sap.com/api/OP_WAREHOUSEORDER_0001/path/post_WarehouseTaskAre you able to setup a BTP destination? That's generally an easier way to communicate with SAP systems.
I don't have an easy way to test this, but I think this will work. You can use a formula that references an additional input.First, add the additional input: Then add the list item to the common request headers. (You can do the value with the formula...
I haven't tried it, but I think this will probably work:Add the CSRFToken as an HTTP header in the REST Api configuration. Set the Label and Key to "CSRFToken", set Value type to "Text", set Is static to off or false, and Is optional to on or true. ...