What happened to the Android/iOS build service outlined in the original AppGyver documentation? I realize this requires importing keys and private configuration. I can't even find this in the Free Tier subscription I have just configured.https://do...
Apologies, or am I misunderstanding the purpose of this field? Is this the version of my app?UPDATE: I think I answered my own question. I thought this was the version of the runtime.UPDATE 2: This warrants a tool tip next to the Version field.
When you run the Build service, why must we know what version? Why can't this auto-populate?And if we must, why isn't there a direct link to the documentation outlining all the various versions available?Perhaps this should be a drop down box, sele...
beatrice.pasch now this process is MUCH better!
Now this was EASY. Why can't this be the process for the Free Tier for AppGyver / SAP Build?I need to figure out how to tag Beatrice Pasch on this comment.https://people.sap.com/beatrice.paschThis process is way too complicated.https://blogs.sap.co...