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This used to be a place I hung out a lot in the past. Stumbled upon it today by chance and boy is this a mess.


  • Is this just now in transition from version nnn to version nnn+1?
  • Have I accidentially hit some beta version? Veteran preview?
  • Have I found an internal development playground?

How do I come to think this?

  • Why is this system not recognizing that I am already logged in and by means of a pretty large banner ask me to register or log in?
  • Why are all fonts so huge?  Does this platform know about my diopters? 😎
  • Why is it showing me a sorting for 'most recent' but sorting it differently
  • What is the sort order of suggestions when using the hashtag for products links?

Is anyone enthusiastic about anything SAP in here? Cool dudes and dudettes chatting about test driving the latest SAP 💩? Or is it just dead since, like, 2015 or so? Where then is THE place to be nowadays?





Active Contributor

No. I'm not a big fan. It's hard to navigate. 

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0 Kudos

I am totaly lost

I am unable to find also the Abap Question & Answer

My previous topic cannot be accessed anymore (error 404) 

The layout is also really strange, little bit old school

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I think this is the nearest:

Go to the "related user tag" side and click on "ABAP Development". Then you have a list entitled "Tag: "ABAP Development" in "Application Development Discussions"

Or just bookmark

The sort doesn't seem to work properly and half the screen is taken up with telling you where you are, and the welcome. It seems it can't tell that I've already had the opportunity and clicked on it, so I don't that banner anymore.

Having survived two other "upgrades", I can't say I'm terribly surprised. Whether it's actually usable, time will tell.

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