Hi All
I need to collect MD5 Hash value for a file placed in AL11 path.
File contains ~~ as a delimiter.
Method 1:
i have calculated MD5 hash value on an internal table, but this doesn't match with same file in UNIX.
in Unix, they're doing ...
Hi All, How this FM V51P_GET_HEADER_DATA will work? how this FM is getting information, something like delivery number. please help me. Thanks in an advance,Suresh
Hi All, Scenario: whenever PO is created, then the concerned person which is maintained in an organizational structure has to get mail both in SBWP as well as Outlook. Some times workitem getting triggered upto SBWP but ...
Hi Sandra, 1. Kept file in AL11 with .sh extension contains unix commands.2. Executed this shell programming through SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE FM and achieved the results.Regards,Suresh