Member since ‎2019 Oct 14

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Hierarchical tables are defined by there parent-child relationship that link entries with one another. For the general case, hierarchies can be arbitrary deep, wide or contain circular references. Parsing such data model has to be done recursively, w...
SM30 maintenance dialogs have been around for almost as long as the SAP GUI exists and are still a very common way of maintaining custom tables in the Z* and Y* namespaces even in recent releases of SAP S/4HANA. This solution, although effective, is ...
The Fiori Elements Framework offers two solutions to display information in two different tabs within a single List Report: 'Multiple Views'[1] and the 'Flexible Programming Model'[2]. However, to use Multiple Views, there must be a common data sourc...
SAP defines Test-Driven Development (TDD) as "a way to develop software driven by automated tests which are written earlier than the production code itself"[1] Applying this approach for AMDPs is particularly challenging since there are no built-in ...
Since WebIDE will no longer be supported by SAP in the future[1], current Fiori Apps need to be migrated to the newer generation development environments like Visual Studio Code (VS Code onwards) or the Business Application Studio. ** March 2023 Upd...