E-Commerce is synonymous with Shopping and this contributes to a significant amount of revenue for Manufacturers/traders globally. Accelerated by the pandemic, the Indian e-commerce industry is set to grow by 84% to $111 billion by 2024. Similarly, S...
SAP Analytics cloud provides an immersive experience to end users with explorer type navigation, smart insights, out of the box ESRI maps support, etc. But it is important to know what to expect when moving from SAP BusinessObjects Explorer to SAP An...
SAP BusinessObjects Web-Intelligence is one of the most powerful reporting tools available in the market today. We do not need a slide with list of logos of the customers using this tool. Without a doubt, it is evolving constantly to meet the current...
Hello Everyone,
This blog is about how to bulk post assets to SAP Analytics Hub (SAH) using a mini application written using Excel VBA.
This application is useful to Administrators who are getting started with SAP Analytics hub and would like to...
Please note that this is post covers SAP Roambi products, and these are no longer available and supported.
Hello All,
Download the full How to document from this link: Go Hybrid: Visualize data from SAP BW in SAP BusinessObjects Roambi Cloud
@Rene: See previous response from Bhargavi which displays only the rows with input data. If the input has only, say, two months of a year but the requirement is to show all months then you would end up following the method outlined here with "unbook...
Hello,Look under dimensions instead of measure. you have to create a calculated dimension.You could look into the learning materials for further details on getting started with SAC: https://www.sapanalytics.cloud/guided_playlists/
Hello,Create a Calculated dimension with the below formula:You have to specify whether you want to compare the ID or the Description of the dimension. You could use ctrl + Space to get help in the formula window.IF(LIKE([d/"BestRunJuice_SampleModel":...
Hello,good catch, I presumed the dates to be quarter beginnings. Sorry for that. My recommendation would be to go back to the source and get the data in a different format that would lighten up the calculations on SAC side. However if you have no oth...