2 Questions :1. Why my activity stream page lost notification tab ?it was convenient and in one place2. Why when I click on my picture and then on Notifications, I'm taken to my dashboard and have to repeat the steps to get to new notifications scree...
Crucial content is missing, even though search finds it see screenshot : this is very, very heavily used piece of info for our customers !!!business criutical !!
Why do items like this :https://blogs.sap.com/2016/10/18/sap-inside-track-munich-2016-summary/https://blogs.sap.com/2016/10/18/creation-new-input-field-existing-budget-submission-template-sap-bpc-10.1/make their way into my Activity stream ???I don'...
I have an issue moderating content/answers - in moderator actions I see pre-mod request :When I click on it, I go to the question, but I do not see the comment I need to moderate, in fact it shows me only one comment and I know that thread has more t...
Being in the IT/Software industry for close to 20 years I've seen a lot of troubleshooting sessions and late nights spent trying to fix a problem.
With this experience came an understanding that with proper methodology it is possible to troublesho...
"So does this mean, that when the SAP systems in source and target will be same, the owners will remain same ?" - yes, because users CUID's will be the same in this case. The most relevant KBA here is https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2712696
that is a very old help file, you should review admin guide found here : https://help.sap.com/docs/SAP_BUSINESSOBJECTS_BUSINESS_INTELLIGENCE_PLATFORMBut it correctly mentions cmsdbsetup.sh and doesn't cmsdbcopy.shIf your CMS DB(Oracle) and (GCP) CMS...