There seems to be a lot of hype these days around the S/4 Cloud SDK / new Cloud Application Programming Model. I've briefly used it in the past, but decided that it is not mature enough to invest time into it.
As I am between projects right now, I d...
Last week during a Code Jam at TechEd Barcelona, vitaliy.rudnytskiy threw the glove at me by starting a challenge to solve the "Knight's Tour" problem using the Graph capabilities of HANA.
The problem is best summarised as the following: "find a suc...
Another year has passed and with it we've had another successful instalment of the IT Conference on SAP Technologies. As usual, this was a community event with a public call for papers and a public enrolment, albeit sponsored by our local SAP partner...
Taking unstructured data, extracting sentiments from it and then putting spatial data in the mix can yield valuable insights for any company. In this blog post, we'll look at how one can use customer feedback, import it into HANA and then perform sim...
Recently, I participated in vitaliy.rudnytskiy's Code JAM on HANA Spatial and remembered how fun working with HANA Spatial can be. A while back, I've built some small demo apps as an introduction to spatial and I decided to share them with the commun...
Hi Guillaume,
HANA has a built-in functionality that allows you to GEOCODE (i.e. to derive lat lng from a textual address) row automatically in an asynchronous manner. It is described in the documentation that I linked above. In a nutshell, HANA use...
Hi Henning,Long time no chat!For sure, I updated the tag. I only saw afterwards that this older SDK is merged into the new CAP – it did not seems to have its own tag so I just threw your tag on it ?I will still keep the initial paragraph mention tho ...
Yes, so if my assumptions related to the cost of running neighbourhood function call are right, solving it for a 16x16 board for example should take at most 4 times as long as running it for a 8x8 board (as the number of squares is 4 times higher).
So all three of the final variants run at about 20ms on my beaten down laptop.
That is somewhat understandable, because the time complexities are the following:
Warnsdorff: O(n * m^2 * x^2)
Warnsdorff + Pohl: O(n * m^3 * x^3) [although this is ...
Thanks! There is a simple explanation though: I become very competitive when people challenge me in public to solve a coding problem I also really enjoyed vitaliy.rudnytskiy's code Jam, so I wanted to play around a little more with the Graph engine…