Hi Ceyhun,I just tried it out. When you go to https://account.hanatrial.ondemand.com/cockpit#/home/trialhome you can select "Cloud Foundry Trial". This will open a dialog, where you can create a trial account.Best regardsDaniel
it looks like you reached your quota that is assigned to this subaccount with plan "dev-beta" (as the error message shows). You might want to check, if you have quota for a different plan. In case you know you have quota available in other suba...
Hi Alejandro,
how old is your trial account? Did you just create it? There was a limitation introduced where trial accounts gets disabled after a while - you can see the days left on the upper right corner (calender icon). Once the counter gets to...
Hi Venu,
are you able to deploy your mtar-file (without the ui module) successfully to Cloud Foundry environment? What is the exact error message you get in step 4? Maybe you can provide a screenshot.
Best regardsDaniel
Hi Shyam,
just follow the instructions described here: https://blogs.sap.com/2014/07/07/how-to-use-northwind-odata-service-with-sap-river-rde/
For the WebIDEUsage Property you can also add xs_odata, so the full property value is: xs_odata,odata_g...