Hi All,
I Have a requirement where I need to add the custom assignment block to the CRM Incident screen, for this, I developed the CRM WEB UI but do not got how to add it to the incident screen.
In the personalized screen of the CRM incident, whe...
I have one requirement when user performs any action in the UI, it will trigger the WDDOMODIFYVIEW method here I need to read the value of the field. By passing the field name.
How can I find the field name (technical name) and then how to read t...
Hi Experts
I have problems while using REST POST operations in ABAP report in context of the CSRF token.
Problem : here i'm getting 403 bad request , CSRF token validation is failed. even I'm passing the token and session
but same thing is w...
Hello Experts.
I'm new to SAP CRM and I'm using the CRM 7.0 .
I developed a view using BSP_WD_CMPWB ( BSP Page )
I have a requirement ,where I need to embed the view ( which I developed ) into business partner .
As shown in the picture .
Hi experts.
I have the requirement to create the HTML page in the SAP using ABAP and launch that page in the browser and from the browser
I have to communicate to the backend ( sap ) using the sapevent:SAVE ,( i should not use the rest service )...
thalesvb Thanks a lot , you are solution works. now I able to see my custom assignment block in the incident screen , now I have see how to do access the super component values from my custom component
Hi thalesvbThanks for the answers it's seems very useful but If I try to add my component to the incident component usage it's asking for the access key? I think we can't change any standard component. is assumption is right or I'm missing any step h...
wd_context->get_attribute( EXPORTING name = 'NAME'IMPORTING value = lv_data ).
where 'NAME' is CONTEXT Name
wd_context is reference of IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE
Hi Dominik BiglI'm new to SAP CRM !!How we can assign my component and interface to BP_HEAD , because BP_HEAD sap content how we can edit it ?Is is not possible to configure ? as like logical links ,( CRMC_UI_NBLINKS where we maintenance the confi...
Hi Gaurav KarkaraThanks a lot Yes it will workwe need add lo_http_client->PROPERTYTYPE_ACCEPT_COOKIE = if_http_client=>co_enabled. and we need remove the new client creation .Here is the working code*&-------------------------------------------------...