Learn about proper community behavior by completing the Tour the SAP Community 2023 tutorial, then celebrate when one of your answers is accepted or you receive 3 up-votes on any combination of your answers.
Prerequisite mission: Blogger
This blogging thing is kinda cool! Published some more blog posts that contained good content and that attracted good feedback:
Published your first blog post. (If you don't have the right permissions to submit your draft, complete the Tour the SAP Community 2023 tutorial to learn about our blogging processes and to trigger the necessary permission change.)
Say hello to the SAP Community! Personalize your community experience by following content, tags, and members.
Participated in SAP Community on International Game Masters Day (March 4, 2020). You performed at least one of the following activities:
Spoke at an SAP Inside Track event in 2018.
Spoke at an SAP Inside Track event in 2017.
You were nominated by your peers and selected as a Developer Hero for 2018 by the SAP Developer & Community Relations team based on the fact that you met one or more of the following criteria:
You achieved level: Bronze
This blogging thing is kinda cool! Post some more blogs that contain good content and attract likes and good ratings. Prerequisite mission: I Blogged!
Read about proper community behavior on SCN, then create your first blog.
Read and bookmark the SCN Rules of Engagement, then celebrate when your answer to a question is marked Correct!
Read and bookmark the SCN Rules of Engagement, then celebrate when your answer to a question is marked Helpful!
Carve your name on the SCN wall. Log in once.
Come out of the shadows and start engaging with the community! Provide feedback on the content you read.
Be a fan of SAP HANA Idea Incubator by reading and bookmarking the announcement blog
Follow ABAP in Eclipse Space and Bookmark important blog
You're almost ready to jump in and participate. Follow some members, provide feedback on some content, and post a status update. Prerequisite mission: Ready Set (Go!)
Get ready to contribute! Read and bookmark the SCN Rules of Engagement, and read about how to search. Prerequisite mission: Ready (Set Go!)
It's time to show us who you are. Fill out your user profile and add an avatar.
Complete the Beginners Tour in the Eclipse Feature Explorer, blog about the experience, then have your blog post selected by the SAP team.
Find and bookmark the SAP HANA Quiz Announcement on SCN. Click the gear to flip the title and find out how.
Find the "SAP Learning Hub Free Courses Overview" document using the search feature on SCN. Once you've found the document, bookmark it.