What Is An Attribute Transformation?
SAP IBP supports a powerful type of transformation that allows you to change the value of an attribute based on a calculation expression. This capability helps to reduce the number of stored key figures, when the...
Aggregation of inventory key figures across time is usually desired as an average. Aggregation across other attributes (product attributes, location attributes) is desired as a sum. Basic configuration in IBP for inventory key figures in the SAP3 sam...
For some users, when a network visualization chart is plotted in Internet Explorer, the icons may not display, even though it displays in Chrome browser. See screenshots below:IE ...
In the recent SAP Integrated Business Planning 6.1 release, the inventory application has added a new and exciting innovation to provide a systematic approach for the calculation of forecast error. Forecast error is one of the key inputs into safety ...
In a recent customer implementation project, a question came up on why the number of Product ID records in the filter drop-down in the Analytics Web User Interface was not the complete set of records. The user could see the entire list in the excel p...
The input key figure PBR (periods between replenishment) gives you the number of replenishments to a node. You do not need to derive it from safety stock or TIP.All inventory components are in the upcoming IBP release.
Few things to check:1. Did you populate CRATIO key figure?2. Check your IOFORECAST@REQUEST calculation. In the sum formula did you make sure to uncheck IOFORECAST@PERPRODLOCCUSTGROUP as stored since it is no longer stored but a calculated key figure?...
Its the same issue. You have an attribute checked in the PERPRODLOCCUSTGROUP planning level that is not checked in the PERPRODLOCCUST planning level.The planning level on the left has to be a subset of the join of the planning levels on the right