I have installed ABAP Platform 1909 Developer Edition using Ubuntu and Docker. I am familiar with the docker commands "run" to start the container, "stop" to stop the container and "start" to restart the container.
After stopping the container I ca...
I have added a CDS View to a Gateway Project in transaction SEGW as a referenced data source. The Gateway Project has been generated.
Is it possible to delete a referenced data source CDS View from a Gateway Project after it has been added?
SAP S...
Is anyone aware of a document from SAP detailing the limitations when using ABAP CDS Views with Enterprise Search (BC-EIM-ESH)? This may be a SAP Help link, SAP Note KBA or FAQ.
From my experience the Enterprise Search CDS activation fails (program...
I have developed an Enterprise Search-enabled ABAP CDS view that references another ABAP CDS view containing a UNION which combines the results from two tables.
From Eclipse ADT the Enterprise Search CDS View activates successfully. However, when I...
I have created a basic UI5 template application in the CP Web IDE Multi-Cloud version. When I click the "Run" button I am getting a HTTP 404 error. The generated URL is:
Are you aware of the standard monitoring functionality?
In S/4HANA 1909 (and likely earlier releases) when defining a batch job in transaction SM36 click on Email Notification button to specify one or more email addresses (separated by semi-colon) t...
Thanks jorgen_lindqvist41 I did not realise that a stopped container survives a system restart. I had assumed that the containers were lost. So the advice is to only issue the command "docker run" once and then perform container management when rest...
Hi Uwe,
Great blog, thank you. Using hdbsql I have connected to database SYSTEMDB to activate the document store on database HDB, however, I cannot connect to database HDB to create the schema using the SYSTEM user and default password. The hdbsql c...