i downloaded the Eclipse 64 bit package (release 2020-09) from Eclipse Web site (https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release)
But when i double-clic on Eclipse installer, i have this pop-up, then nothing happens...
What i have ...
when you make a print preview of a PO in SRM (our release is SRM 7.0 EhP4), standard process determines Company Code based on Purchasing Group ID (check function module BBP_OUTPUT_COMPANY_FROM_EKGR).
Nevertheless, using this way, this mean...
i asked to have clarifications concerning points in this below wiki:
Topics of PO Vendor Flags - Standard behavior to GR_BASEDIV flag
Does anyone have an idea?
Thank you for your help.
Hello,since SRM 703 SP04, POWL were optimized with HANA:SAP SRM 7.0 Enhancement
Package 3 SP04New BAdI /SAPSRM/BD_POWL_SRCH_DBSYS_OPT is available:BD_POWL_SRCH_DBSYS_OPT- BAdI to retrieve the powl result set on HANANevertherless, even if its method /...
Hello,i posted below question regarding Embedded Search and SAP HANA:Cross-Catalog Search with SRM UI Add-On and SRM 7.0 EhP4I have the answer in below KBA: you can use Embdedded Search for Cross-Catalog Search in SRM UI Add-On with SAP HANA.2384246 ...
Hello Emerson,if you want to cancel a confirmation, this means subtype will be 'CA' and reference document will be the Confirmation you want to cancel, not the Purchase order.Regards.Laurent.
Hello Sarit,what do you mean by Portal? Are you talking about Enterpise Portal (EP) or any other SAP User interface tool (NWBC, Fiori Launchpad, etc)?Regards.Laurent.
Hello,do not understand your request. Decimal places for currency is a legal constraint of each country, not from suppliers.Japanese Yen has no decimal places (as Vietnamese Dong and other currencies).Kuwaiti Dinar has 3 decimal places.You have this ...
Hello,If the access to these Fiori App is possible on laptop, desktop, with a browser, via the URL of the Fiori Front-End Server, then whatever the device, the access is possible.If you are talking about access to Fiori Apps via mobility, then I assu...