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Member since ‎2009 Jun 15

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La creación de materiales es una de las actividades más habituales de un administrador de datos o un gestor de materiales en cualquier sistema SAP y, a pesar de ello, es una de las tareas más complejas y con mayores desafíos para aquellos que cuentan...
Deloitte recently released their Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) predictions for 2015.Similar in some respects to the Gartner Hype Cycle model it differs in that it makes little or no statement about where a given technology is or is h...
As I was getting dressed the other day before coming to work I noticed some fluttering in the trees near where I live.Ordinarily I wouldn’t pay much attention but on this occasion the birds fluttering in the trees were very distinctive because their...
I saw an interesting comment yesterday in an article regarding low-code applications. In an article that featured in Forbes in August 2013 entitled Why Data First Development Rapidly Fills Application Whitespace and written by Dan Woods.Woods stated ...
I am on the sidelines. My thoughts are that most people who work and play in the trenches of ERP systems have a little more grounding in reality than industry analysts and the press.It’s not something that can really be helped, this chasm of opinion ...