In a Project, we faced the Issue that sometimes when we minimized JavaScript HTML was appended which leads to no longer valid JavaScript File and therefore browsers not evaluating JavaScript.
In this blog post, I want to explain the...
For a Customer, we needed to customize SmartEdit.
The Requirement was to customize the WYSIWYG Editor in SmartEdit. The Editor is a CKEditor included as a third-party library by the SmartEdit Extension.
We needed to add an additional F...
Hello Experts,
we have a Base_Group that allowes to read everything on Product. We do not have restriction on this level. Below the Base_Group we created two groups Group1 and Group2. Both Groups has the right to edit product
BUT Group1 is allowed to...
Good day everyone,
we are using Hybris and added a Attribute (localized:java.lang.String) to Product with the name "newField" via items.xml
We deployed the new Attribute and added Values to the Attribute.
After a while we discovered that the ...
We created some ItemTypes and every ItemType has the Field 'owner'. We do not know for what this field is and we didn't needed it in the past.
Now that we are using the Backoffice and created some UserGroups and Users we have issues with searching in...
Hi,There are some safety measures in SAP CX Standard.For Example can you configure the "Max Brute Force Login Attempts" per User Group. It will also go Up in the Hierarchy of User Groups to find a Value.If nothing is maintained the Login attempts wil...
Good Day, could you check if following property is set to true: yes please set it to false for the first build.Alternatively check if you properly removed: "hybris/bin/modules/smartedit/smartedittools/apps/smartedit-m...
As far as I know it will be tried to shutdown the Server for a period of time, so that running processes can finish, but it is not guaranteed. If you have long running Jobs there you should identify them first and make a decision if you can stop/res...
When you restart a Service in the CCv2, the Restart is done in a Rolling Mode.So the BackgroundProcessing Node will set up additional nodes and only will shutdown the old nodes after the new nodes are ready.You can test this in any CCv2 Environment b...
In this case you need to create a "PrepareInterceptor" in which you check if you need to set additional Values or just update the existing Values via Impex.