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SAP Cloud Platform SDK for Android Getting Started tutorial

0 Kudos


I'm trying to follow the tutorial into the web page Gettin Started.

When I reach the step The Project Configuration Page I face to the following screen after click on "FINISH" button:

What is the "Metadata for Destination"?
Can anyone help me about it?
I just use the SAP Cloud Platform Trial Account and add the already exist Destination from Mobile Service of my NeoTrial account.

I did something wrong?

Thanks in advance.


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Answers (4)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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emanuele.matino - any progress on this question?

0 Kudos

No any progress, I just give up for now.

I'm sorry.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

emanuele.matino - let us know if you want to try again - if you only have this one destination (ESPM v4) assigned to your mobile application, this should work.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

emanuele.matino by any chance do you have multiple destinations assigned to this mobile services app definition? When I was able to reproduce this (on a mac), i had multiple destinations on the same application - one supported Odata and the other did not. Can you check that out and let me know?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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emanuele.matino - so sorry I didn't see this earlier. I think I need to follow this tag so I get notified when new questions arrive. florian.pfeffer is correct that you can download the metadata directly. But it appears that something is wrong as I am getting the same behavior. I will follow up internally.

Active Contributor
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If you have enabled the option that an application should be created, the wizard tries to download the metadata of the used OData service (to which the destination points). Either you have an error in the destination configuration or there are some other issue which avoids that the metadata can be downloaded. If your configuration is correct, as a workaround you can download the OData service metadata (.../$metadata), save it in an xml file, and open it via the popup you receive.

0 Kudos

Hi Florian,

please, can you write me where I can enable this OData service into SAP Cloud Platform Trial Cockpit?

Thanks in advance.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

What did you enter a that step as Backend URL? That's the OData endpoint.