Member since ‎2014 Sep 17

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Hi all, I need to know if SMP SDK 3.1 for Agentry is compatible with SAP MOBILE PLATFORM 3.0. I will update Sap Work Manager from 6.3 to 6.5 in a SMP 3.0. Is it possible to develop the new code of Work Manager 6.5 with SMP SDK 3.1? Please le...
Hi, My system is composed by two main application: Native Mobile ApplicationWeb Portal Application The Native Mobile Application to communicate with the backend use the service on Sap Cloud Platform named "Mobile Services". To make the User ...
Hi, I'm trying to follow the tutorial into the web page Gettin Started. When I reach the step The Project Configuration Page I face to the following screen after click on "FINISH" button: What is the "Metadata for Destination"? Can anyone he...
Hi expert, I tring to use Eclipse Oxygen, as the SAP Help Portal suggest (https://help.sap.com/viewer/42dc90f1e1ed45d9aafad60c80646d10/3.0.16/en-US/7c125dfc70061014b91491f47674add9.html), but after install into Eclipse Agentry_70.16.8_EditorPlugi...
Hi experts, I need to know how I can read the expiration date of my APPCID when I call the service of "SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Service for Development and Operations" through the link pattern "https://<mobile services host>/odata/applications/...