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How to stop Curricula retraining

0 Kudos

Hello all,

We had originally confirgured items with 1-year retraining in a curriculum - retraining is no longer needed.

Seems like I can't choose 0 as valid number of days for retraining (minimum is 1 day) and if I change the single items and unselect retraining, the items still show as Retraining "Yes" in the curricula Content section.

Is it possible to change this if the curricula had been configured with a 1-year retraining requirement?

Also, how can you stop users from getting notification reminders to retrain?

Thank you!

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Dear gdischiena,

Did you try by excluding those users from the assignment profile? So, if I am not part of the assignment profile anymore, the system will not assign it to me.You can try maybe with the Item Completion option.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Karen Perez