Dear community,
We have an introductory eLearning item on a topic (1h) and an accompanying webinar (3h).
The eLearning is part of the onboarding, while the accompanying training is only for a certain target group that requires to deep dive into ...
Dear community,
we just noticed, that an assigned mandatory program, does not show up in the Manager Dashboard of the employee. Is there any way to change that? or is this a property / difference as opposed to a Curriculum.
We have Mandatory Curr...
Dear Community,
I have an Assesment / Quiz built up and that is used by an item.
Can i somehow change one of the questions, or would I need to build the Assesment new and then add it to the item again? I have tried to take out the Content(Quiz)...
Hi guidoklinger ,just wanted to report back. We have now added a new completion status to mark only completions for substitutions.If you set that up, then it is possible to decide if you want the substitution to send out the related surveys of the o...
Dear all,just an addition for everyone doing the same, when changin the substitution status in the item, the System does ask if it should do so retrospectively. So it is possible to change the Item Completion Status of already completed substitutions...
Hi chris.stiles ,this is excellent, thank you so much! We currently don't have the substitute completion status, but I will try to add it and then add it as the completion ID with the cubstituted courses.Do you happen to know? Retrospectively, proba...
Hi guidoklinger ,Were you able to solve the problem? i have a similar issue with the substitution, just not with the survey, but with the completion report. (Learners have 2 comoletion entries when substitutes are in place).Best regards,Dora
Hi karenperez, this is very helpful.After your explanation I noticed, that it is the Dashboard one level higher, in the Employee Central Dashboard.Is there a way to display Programs there as well? All the listed employees here have a program assigne...