Hello Everyone,
I am not finding any material online for this topic on what are the different ways to transport a MDK app from one subaccount to another.
I did get one way by going through the blog by Jitendra Kansal where he shows about how we ...
Hello Everyone,
I am in the middle of following the steps mentioned in the below tutorial for building a client with MDK SDK
Have got through Step 1 to Step 3 successfully...
Hello Everyone,
I am following the below tutorial for building a client from MDK SDK.
I am doing this with Mac steps
Able to get through Step1 : Run MDK dependencies in...
Hello Everyone,
I am facing an issue where in the query option on the list picker does not get picked up when I am trying to bind the value dynamically but it does work fine if I hardcode a value in the query option.
I see a similar question rais...
Hello Everyone,
I have a simple 2 entity application Account and AccountContacts which are modeled in the oData layer with the necessary associations and navigation properties.
On click of the Account entity I can see the account details and its...
Hi jitendra.kansal Yes, the version is 6.1.1I also checked the pre-requisites by running the dependency installer. Below is the screenshot.All of the iOS items are in green but most of the Android items are in red. Bill Froelich did suggest on ano...
Thankyou bill.froelich .It worked and I am able to proceed to the next steps. I am running into some issue with create.client command however I am trying to see if I can resolve it myself before I post a question here. I will create a new thread for...
Hi jitendra.kansal,Yes, that's the expectation, the user would choose country first and then State .I am thinking to put a validation rule to make sure country is populated before the state is selected.I will change the order in which they are disp...
That's what I was missing Thanks bill.froelich , I have added it in both now DownloadOffline.action and InitializeOffline.action and it worked.Are there any other such quick settings that I should be checking when I am dealing with an offline scena...