Our backend generates a non-session cookie, which reaches the Mobile Services client as the following header:
set_cookie: cpmscf_proxy___SAPCPMS_[REDACTED]; Expires=Fri, 27 Jan 2023 08:08:56 GMT; Domain=[REDACTED].cfapps.eu10.hana.ondemand.com; Pat...
We dug up a three-year old CAP application that includes about 10,000 lines of SQLScript code (in .hdbprocedure files). I think we should reimplement all that logic inside a NodeJS service, where we can easily unit-test all of it. What would be the d...
The following error started to pop up this morning:
Cannot retrieve destinations.: Data retrieval error: Cannot retrieve destinations.: HTTP request failed with error code '503'.
If this is a global issue, where would SAP notify about it?
I used these instructions to set up SAP Process Automation (free):
Get Free Access to SAP Process Automation | SAP Help Portal
Everything works fine, except I am not able to add a trigger.
[Edit: Here is a screenshot of what I see: screenshot....
Some of my non-SAP colleagues are so excited about this idea that they are using two different tools: Tekton for build and Argo CD for release. Inbetween, they are using Artifactory.
I was looking to implement something similar with the SAP CI/CD s...