SAP Cloud ALM continues to improve and expand its API catalog. In Q3 2024, several enhancements were released in the area of analytics and OpenTelemetry APIs.Specific OData Analytics APIsIn addition to the generic SAP Cloud ALM analytics OData API ...
SAP Cloud ALM Configuration and Security AnalyticsSAP Cloud ALM OData Analytics API for Configuration and Security Analysis is documented in the SAP Business Accelerator Hub and in the official SAP Help documentation.This API provides access to analy...
SAP Cloud ALM offers a generic OData interface to access analytics of the differents use cases (Projects Management, Tasks Management, Health Monitoring...).In addition to this generic OData interface, some use cases like "Requirements" provide a spe...
SAP Cloud ALM, the SAP Application Lifecycle Management platform in the cloud, comes with several services, especially in the Run area, that can trigger events.
These events are usually configurable either from the service's configuration page or f...
To learn about and experiment with the SAP Cloud ALM Analytics API , you can check out this Postman Collection.
You just need to retrieve your apiKey from SAP API Business Hub to try the OData and REST interfaces with the Postman client.
Another w...
Hello Thomas,Thanks for your interest in SAP Cloud ALM and SAP Analytics Cloud.The association between models can be build in a SAP Analytics Cloud Story using linked dimensions. For example, you can link Features and Requirements using the dimension...
Hello Lukas,Unfortunately, there is no such step by step documentation available up to my knowledge. You need to check the documentation of the products involved in this integration scenario (SAP Cloud ALM, SAP Integration Suite, Jira). If you are in...
Hello René,It depends on what type of changes you want to apply on SAP Cloud ALM. Several APIs are available as documented here: example, if you want to close an EventSituation you can use this API:...
Hello Leena,I understand that you want to create a task in SAP Cloud ALM through API. To do this you can use SAP Cloud ALM Task API which is documented here: should call this REST API with OAuth 2.0 ...
Hello Brad,It depends on your setup. You can assign specific mapping for each task type (Roadmap Task, Project Task, Requirement...) in the project configuration (tab subscriptions). It means, with dedicated mappings, you can for example create a Jir...