I am wonder if there is any way to disable options of drill and expand (in column headers) when using Date Hierarchy as Column in Table?
Date as Hierarchy Year-Month-Day, but I would like only to use Year and Month (no drill/expan...
Do you know, if there is any way to make Running Total fully working when we have Date Hierarchy in Table?
I realized, that Running Total works good when date is set-up on months level, however when we expand to days then something strange i...
Recently, we noticed strange issue. When exporting data from widget (table), the row data do not match data from this widget. Do you know have any ideas why it happens and how to avoid this?
nikhil_1486 I am using Analytic Model from SAP Datasphere and it seems that your calculation is not supported or not working in DWC. Do you have any other hint?