Member since ‎2021 Sep 20

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  • 46 Posts
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- Copy and Paste in prompt/selection screen/variable in SAC real slow or does not work at all for larger set of values (300 values do not work at all; 100 values take 1:10 min); After Pressing "OK" in Clipboard Pop Up nothing happens, no matter how l...
Hi everybody,in Waterfall Chart in SAC we want to color a subtotal bar according to its value. We can switch between 3 and 4 colors in waterfall color layout. If we select three colors, subtotal is colored like a total. When we change to 4 colors, we...
Does anybody know why table widget has such a low priority? We have seen many improvement in data analyzer and most of it is not adopted in table widget. We have many tables integrated in stories that contain scripting. So we cannot use data analyzer...
After transporting a story (from Dev to Prod) bookmarks in prod (which have been created in prod) cannot be accessed anymore from the standard toolbar within the story. However the bookmarks can be openend (and have status "valid") from Stories(left ...
Hi everybody, any ideas how we can identify if a user has clicked on collapse/expand (structure or hierarchy) node. In short: If a user clicks on expand/collapse we do not want to start the onselect script. Long explanation:  In combinatio...