Hi Experts,
I recently installed a new MII sandbox. Most of the settings are completed. I run the wizards. Basis gave Hana DB setup on the same server for MII tables. But when I created and sent IDocs, I realized the records were saved in the Oee d...
Hi People & UI Developers
I'm having trouble displaying DMC Core Plugins. I needed to have custom worklist core plugin in a project(worklist plugin). There are some open-source classes and their functions are defined in the Tutorial File for Core P...
Hi Experts,
Recently I've been reviewing and trying a GitHub link(https://github.com/SAP-samples/digital-manufacturing-extension-samples/tree/main/dm-podplugin-extensions) about DMC customization. There is an excellent document in the pod plugin se...
Hello People,
I am wonder if you can help about To use DMC Standard Api services, I tried the package Api services in the Business Accelerator Hub and got the UI5 code for it. I integrated it into my custom plugin, but I am getting an error o...
Hi All,
I am working on Dmc Integration with SAP MII transactions but I have a problem.
I have added the SAP Digital Manufacturing subaccount in your cloud connectorSet up cloud connectorMapped my MII systemConfigured access controlI created a ...
@amelendez Hi Cors issue is not solved by using the ui5 code snippet given by Api Hub. My advice is just to refer to the DMC Custom Extensions Github package. Br,Emre Yoldas
Hello Costa,Actually, I found these documents beforehand and even integrated the pod plugin and produced various studies. In the Core Plugin integration tutorial, only what the documents and codes are used for is explained. My question is how to appl...
Thanks Manoel,Yes, 4 different js code files and functions inside have been added and their definitions explained. For Pod Plugins There is a nice PDF file for integrating into DMC(howTo). But there is no equivalent tutorial for Core Plugins, should ...
Hi SunitaThank you for this good work. I also tried to do it in a different way of showing notifications, but I couldn't get a notification.1)Start buttons pod connection is ok.2) Pod Messages configuration is ok.And under the button, this process de...