Hi,you could try to use this BAdi for creating email when releasing blocked documents:BAdi: Release Blocked DocumentsDefinition: /SAPSLL/CUHD_RELEASEInterface: /SAPSLL/IF_EX_CUHD_RELEASEMethod: R3_DOCUMENT_RELEASEBRFabian
Hi Philip,yes, what you mentioned should work in SAP standard if you run t-code /SAPSLL/COMCO_RTR / report /SAPSLL/COMCO_RETRANSFER for retransfer into ECC system regularly in background via batch job:Does the standard solution offer the possibility ...
Hi Ramesh,hard to describe in general. Please check the documents from the following link for any assistance in functional changes, simplification list, administration guide, upgrade guide, configuration etc.:SAP Global Trade Services, edition for SA...
Hi Philip,additionally you could check t-code /SAPSLL/CUHD_DOC_EXP for displaying documents for each customs declaration on item level.Best regardsFabian
Hello Yurika,as far as I know such a report is not existing. So you need to create it by yourself and add all data from tables /SAPSLL/CUHD*, /SAPSLL/CUIT* and /SAPSLL/LEG* by yourself.For report /SAPSLL/CULO_DISPLAY_CUS_EXP maybe this indicator on s...