Hello experts,
does someone know how to achieve counting by Ids in SAP Marketing cloud cds views?
I would like to create a measure called "Number of records" that counts the Ids but I do not know how it is possible to achieve that?
Can someon...
Hello Experts, Hello divya.mary
I have the following usecase:
I try to create a connection between Saleforce and a CPI Iflow. Means Salesforce is the sender -> CPI is the receiver of the request. Salesforce is offering OAuth 2.0 with JWT Bearer ...
Hello experts,
I have a usecase where I wanto to do a GET HTTP Callout from Salesforce to SAP CPI.I checked all the blogs, but for this usecase I found no documentation.
I want to used the most modern way in Salesforce without coding and creati...
Hello experts,
I believe I have a simple question
I know you can create forms and use the form in a landingpage. After you published your landingpage you get a link generated that you can use in an email for example.I want do understand if this ...
Hello experts,
we are facing the issue, that we would like to send individual designed content in one E-Mail to our customers.
The individual design should be based on the "Newsletter Subscription" aka "Communication Category".
For example:C...
Hello akhilanand0612
Thanks for the blog, but I fail at the point of the "new access token generation".
Would mean there is something wrong during at the api_connectivity_test_v1 api - where the token should be generated.
I also saw ...
Hello solman_coe, your answer is a very generic one. As mentioned I checked this packages and none of them is working with the more modern "Flow" functionalities in Salesforce. It is mentioned that coding of apex classes is necessary what should not...
Hello ralf.freyler,thank you very much for the sync meeting. I wanted to share the following results/solution: If you want to set up a flexible E-Mail where the conent differes depending on the for example.: the communication categoriess/subscriptio...