Hello Experts,I have a very slow Data Flow in Datasphere, due to the fact that a source is from an Open Connector connection.The Dataflow is very slow, i don't know if it is due to the connection between the source and SAP Integration suite, or betwe...
Hello,How can I know in advance if an Open Connector will work with Datasphere before buying the Integration Suite?According to this note https://me.sap.com/notes/0003445022Not all Open Connectors work with datasphere!!And from SAP Help page page htt...
Hello Experts,When I open a project from VS Code with BAS, synonyms defined with .hdbsynonym files can not be used in calculation view modeling.If I open the project from BAS with a browser all works perfectly.From Visual Studio Code with proper exte...
Hello Experts,I need to create multiple database users in space management (database user related to a space).The request is to have a user mapping from a Front end BI Tool so I can use datasphere DAC to manage row securities.The editor lets you crea...
Hello Experts,I have a package that is locked with status "Exporting" from 2024.07.26 till now 2024.08.01The target packages in "Export Folder" has been created, but in the application "Transport/Packages" the package is in state "Exporting".This sit...
Hello @Jinal_Patel ,I confirm that now I can read Analytic Model through DB users but with limitations.I ask to SAP to update the official Datasphere documentation here https://help.sap.com/docs/SAP_DATASPHERE/43509d67b8b84e66a30851e832f66911/4db6f5a...
@Jinal_Patel I found a problem...A Single Analytic model is deployed as multiple column view in the database:1) A column View with base fact fields -> that can be read from DB users.2) A column view for every associated dimension. -> that can not be ...
Hello @Jinal_Patel ,are you using the so called "database analysis user" to read from an analytic model? because as far as I know the "normal" database user defined inside spaces can not read analytic models:The column view generated by the analytic ...
Hello @DanielIngenhaag ,I have a question:if the same record (identified by the key) is updated between 2 delta data extractions,And we replicate the data through CDS View,and we have set some level of parallelism in replication flow.Can we have inco...
Did the model even suggest that when during a fiscal period there are no posting on one particular account, with the window function the cumulated value for that account do not appear in that specific period? (=> wrong totals)Since LLM are trained "g...