Hi Saito, I am not sure if I quite understand what you are looking for. So I am guessing, you have a workflow instance, so for example one specific purchase order approval and you want to find out what workflow definition (artifact as it is defined i...
Dear Hiba,I assume you are referring to Flexible Workflow for Supplier Invoices, right?On this specific scenario, I am not an expert, but checking out this documentation, there seems to be a way using the BAdI MRM_WF_EXCLUDE_AGENTS. One of the import...
Hi Saurabh,The parameter name should not be a translated text. Please translate "subject" instead. This is the field that will be displayed in the UI. If correcting this doesn't solve the problem, please check the application Flexible Workflow Admin...
Ok, first of all I would check if the Workflow behaves as expected without the E-Mail notification. In this case, I doubt that. My first guess would be that in the exception handling section you selected "Do nothing" and "Continue". Correct would be ...
Hi Pratham,please provide some background: On what release is your system? Are you using a pre-delivered Flexible Workflow Scenario? If yes, which one? What steps have you performed so far in order to enable Completion E-Mails? It sounds like the wor...