IntroductionFlexible Workflow has been developed within SAP Business Workflow for SAP S/4HANA to easily set-up pre-configured approval workflows by the business user himself. It enables the Business Process Expert (BPC_EXPERT) defining workflows with...
My colleagues published a content package "Sample Sales Order Approval Extension with flexible workflow" on API Business Hub which offers an outcome driven extension workflow and combines a custom flexible workflow scenario and a SAP BTP Workflow to ...
Here is an update on a blog post published in 2019 by Alan Rickayzen about which of SAP's workflow engines is the choice for which workflow project. Thanks to all colleagues who gave input and reviewed my text/changes. I will differentiate new workfl...
We recently added more features to integrate SAP Business Workflows and flexible workflows from SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2411 (available in SAP S/4HANA 2025) in a Process Visibility Scenario for Workflow Monitoring purposes on SAP BTP (as part of SAP Build ...
Hi Praneetha,thanks for reaching out and sorry for the delay. I am in parental leave until 7/4/25. The workflow engine (cross component) and team only provide the possibility to use this simulation feature. Responsible for activation (value helps) ar...