I have a requirement if any one rejects Purchase order, the user is getting the notification in SBWP, But our requirement is that, what ever maintained in PO header texts that should appear in the workflow item description.
Please suggest how i ...
Hi Experts,
We have two standard API's for sales order
1. API_SALES_ORDER ( odata project name)
2. API_SALES_ORDER_SIMULATION ( odata project name)
But for sales contract we have only 1 API
1. API_SALES_CONTRACT ( odata project name)
But ...
Hi experts,
I have a requirement. if i change the quantity of the sales order in va02 tcode and after that if i assign the financial document number to that sales order then the sales order is blocked and the sales order is reflected in ftr_rcd t-c...
Hi abapers greetings to all,
In this blog post you can learn how to use the exception class in report level, i hope this blog post helpful for new abapers. First we can discuss what is exceptions exactly.
Exceptions: The Exception is a problem that...
Hi experts,
I have 10 fields in my database table, when I generate tmg I want to make 3 fields out of 10 fields as non editable mode. How to achieve this using TMG events.
Please explain me with example.
Hi Anuja,
Thank you for your valuable reply to us. You just assign the check table name in your foreignkey table of that particular field and assign the check table name in domain level, then you can start create the records in foreign key table, ho...
Hi loki_luo15I dont think if method is their or not, There is some standards we have to following for creating the CDS view, you already have an idea How we declare the basic view, interface view and as well as composite view.Regards,kiran