What is GTT?In databases, Temporary table - is an object on database level, where data can be stored after select-operation; however data are stored during session only and not transferred from database to application. It gives option to apply SQL-op...
Sometimes we need to loop over table and enriching the values via different methods. For SORTED tables we can not pass the line via CHANGING as it leads to runtime error MOVE_TO_LIT_NOTALLOWED_NODATA.The code below (full code is here) will lead to ru...
Sometimes for planning purposes we need to get logistics stocks by plant/storage location/material for the specific date. In the blog I will describe some ways to solve the problem depending on version of SAP NetWeaver.
Manual approach via tcode M...
The article described author's approach for fast and consistent database update. The approach is speeding up development without decreasing of application robustness.
As a rule data of business transactions are updated in sev...
"join with internal table" - is nothing more but GTT + insert. And you can reach it in custom way if the system version is no allowed.Firstly, create table for temporary purposes (it could be GTT, but you can create transparent table). In my sample I...
I think you need to use "join with internal tab" (as you pointed INNER ITAB_CDS) if the system version allowed (directly with MARD, not via CDS). It should resolve the restriction with FAE (full code is here).And it seems ( maybe I am wrong ) that we...
it would be better if you would provide how you are dealing with AT ENDAT. But as I can see from you screenshot BUDAT at the beggingng of the line, and matnr and werks is inside the line. It is NOT an option for AT ENDAT - your components should be o...
maybe will be good if you put all fields and calculation on database side.define view ZMARD_CDS4_W as select from ZMARD_CDS1_M
key matnr,
key werks,
key lgort,
sum(labst) as stock
} group by matnr, werks, lgort and in report: SEL...
in the CDS with aggregation you should put LGORT. for now the system calculates sum by matnr and nothing more. despite the CDS1 is used in JOIN and in CDS2 it DOES NOT mean that the instances are the same. they are calculating independently.So, the C...