Member since ‎2020 May 12

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  • 79 Posts
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Dear Expert, I will get the file as CSV with the following format into the application server. This should always transfer the last date and time to the PSA. And after that the transformation should check the table RSFILENAMEDONE if it was already...
Dear Expert, I am looking for a cloud machine for SEM-BSC. Is there a solution via available? Thanks Albat
Dear Expters, i would like to summarize the following script on one key figure. how can i do that? should i user CASE-Statement? //KeyFigure-1// if("JAN"=0 , if("FEB"=0 , if("MAR"=0 ,if("HUNS">0, 'T1-2','' ),'' ),''),'')//KeyFigure-2//if("JAN"=...
Dear Experts, I have an Apple M1. I wanted to install HANA Express Edition. But i get the following error. i have UTM - OpenSuSe Leap 15.4. Any Advice? Error "sse4.2 missing" Regards
Dear Experts, I'm looking for a query designer for KeyUser. But you don't want to see BW addons and other futures in Eclipse. You just want to create and edit queries. Is there a lighter version for this? They are not an IT specialist. Therefore, ...