Today's blog will be very niche, but like all things niche, it will find a reader. I'll be discussing the impact of the VARBINARY data type when trying to do "Remote Join Relocation" with SDA (Smart Data Access) functionality.
In addition we'll se...
I would like to start off by thanking instructors Jin Yeon Lee, Helen Shin and content expert SukHyun An for putting together a long overdue course on the topic of query optimization. I’m hoping that the title starting with ‘A First Step…’ implies th...
Note: This blog is the repost of an old blog on an old profile as part of the process of pulling all my content together on a consolidated profile.
This is going to be a short blog but will hopefully highlight accuracy problems that might be occurri...
Note: This blog is the repost of an old blog on an old profile as part of the process of pulling all my content together on a consolidated profile.
Version: HANA 2.0 SP02
We often use anonymous blocks to view all the logic pieces of a table functio...
Note: This blog is the repost of an old blog on an old profile as part of the process of pulling all my content together on a consolidated profile.
I wanted to type up this quick blog as I’m sure many of us face the same challenges on SAP HANA 1,0 S...