When I saw in the documentation that HANA 2 supports the disabling of foreign key constraints, I was happy. Finally, I thought, HANA could do what other SQL DBMS were able to do since, well, forever.
While HANA's choice to split this "deactivation"...
Hey there, Lars here.
Long time answerer and rare question poster.
Just stumbled over the following issue with SAP HANA's built-in M_TIME_DIMENSION data.
select * from m_database;
Cunningham's Law is the idea that "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer.".
More often than not I feel that some of the answers provided to questions on the SAP Community platfor...
There are a couple of topics that are an ongoing source of confusion even for experienced IT professionals and developers.
UNICODE handling is one example (see here for info), floating point calculations is another one (this is a good primer) and the...
The development tools and techniques for SAP HANA have been extended and enhanced a couple of times since SAP HANA had first been released in 2011.
For apps developed for SAP HANA XS, the new XSA environment means a considerable change in the way app...
This is an interesting Q&A from SAP Support.Reading this I actually don't believe that the solutions mentioned enable someone to cancel a session, if the privilege for "ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL SESSION" is missing.Furthermore, I am not sure if HEC custome...
The MERGE DELTA statement has historically been implemented as part of the column store update operations. This is similar to the UPDATE COMPRESSION command, which still is exposed as an UPDATE with some HINTS. One could argue that since the represen...
The attached EXPLAIN PLAN files contain the very same plan; I cannot make out a difference between them.However, searching for the hint you found in Google led to this blog post How to investigate if Table User-Defined Function is unfolded or not? wh...
A small, but sometimes important addition to this:assigning a union query to a table variable does not store any data.SQLScript table variables are declarations (not commands) of what the data should look like when it gets accessed later on.Upon acce...
Sorry, a private message won't work. This is a public forum; the whole point is to discuss topics in public.For the visual information (planviz and graphical calc view) you may add screenshots.For the EXPLAIN plan, usually one can re-format the textu...