Member since ‎2020 May 06

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You heard it right! d-shop Bangalore is delighted to announce the launch of its community for all the curious minds out there ready to explore their individual creativity!  The d-shop is SAP’s global in-house innovation space that helps close the ga...
Welcome to the second part of the Home Automation Workshop 2. In our previous post, we discussed how we can automate our house doors using Ultrasonic Sensor. In this blog post we will get to see how we can automate our house lighting. Scenario: Set...
Welcome to the first part of the Home Automation Workshop 2. In the first workshop, we discussed some basic home automation techniques using Arduino Board and Temperature Sensor. In this blog post we will get to see how we can automate our house do...
Introduction Welcome to the second part of the Home Automation Workshop 1. In PART 1, we discussed automatic lighting control using PIR sensor. In this blog post we will get to see how automatic temperature control works using Arduino Board and Tem...
Introduction Welcome to d-shop Bangalore, a maker space for developers. An opportunity for all the SAP employees to meet, collaborate and at the same time explore different technologies, attend workshops and innovate. We at d-shop aim to bring hardw...